mollermethod Settings API FAQ Exploit Health Checker Discord


Yes, mollermethod does work on Synapse X®️ as of 2022-04-01!
mollermethod is not endorsed or approved by Synapse Softworks LLC or its associated personnel.

Yes, our lead dev uses only Script-Ware!

mollermethod has a compatibility layer for Infinite Yield plugins, and will automatically read your Infinite Yield config to load them. You can find Infinite Yield plugins on Infinite Store.

mollermethod also has its own plugin API, allowing you to make custom actions (shows in both Bracket & Mollybdos), commands (shows in Bracket), and tags (shows in Mollybdos).

In the future this site will have a dedicated section for plugins.

Put it in the plugins array, like this:

loadstring(game:HttpGet '') {
	-- `plugins` is an array of scripts as strings that will get loadstring'd by mollermethod.
	plugins = {
		-- These are examples.
		readfile 'path-to-file-in-workspace.lua',
		game:HttpGetAsync ''

  1. Go to the config generator
  2. Enable "External Bracket"
  3. Use the outputted script in your exploit

First pause Roblox, then look at the bottom left.
Dedicated to Molly the Beagle, 2009-2022 💔